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TrademarkWatch Montoring Services

To All Trademark Holders: Remember that it is up to YOU to police and protect your Trademarks. The USPTO will not do this on your behalf. Take advantage of our Cost-Effective Flat-Rate TrademarkWatch Services so you can stop infringement before real damage is done!

At the time of this writing, July 2016, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received more than 395,000 trademark applications. Trademark monitoring, like our TrademarkWatch Services, provides you with timely notice of any new, potentially harmful trademark applications as they become available. As a trademark owner, you have a right by law to object to any new applications that may, in your view, be harmful to your trademark. Moreover, it is up to you to actively monitor for potential trademark infringements - or risk losing your intellectual property rights.

Your business can be harmed when the USPTO allows registration for a trademark similar to yours. The competitive trademark can cause confusion among your customers as they try to distinguish your specific goods and services from those of your competitor. Additionally, if you do not take necessary action to stop the use of similar trademarks, your trademark loses its strength and courts will afford it less protection. The longer you allow the similar trademark to coexist with yours, the weaker your mark becomes over time. And if you allow one similar mark to coexist, your ability to fight a second infringing mark is reduced, by mere existence and acceptance of the first.

Once you have obtained federal registration for your mark, it is up to you to monitor (USPTO) applications to ensure that your trademark will not be infringed upon. After the USPTO receives these applications, its examining attorneys review applications for compliance with trademark law and USPTO rules. If the examining attorneys believe that the mark fits within the requirements of the law, the USPTO issues a notice of intent to register the mark. The mark is then published in the Weekly Trademarks Gazette (Gazette). Once the mark is published in the Gazette, owners of other trademarks, who might consider the proposed mark confusing with their mark, have 30 days to notify the Trademark Office of their objections to registration of the trademark. If the Trademark Office receives no objection within that 30-day period, the proposed mark is registered.

When you subscribe to our TrademarkWatch Service, we will carefully monitor your trademark on the federal trademark database and, depending on the service package you select, the databases of all 50 states. You will receive a detailed report of potentially conflicting trademark applications, giving you a chance to stop them before they become a problem.


ALL of Our TrademarkWatch Services Can Be Customized to Your Needs and Include Status Report Consultations with One of Our Attorneys!

If you would like to subscribe to one of our packages, please click on the button below and let us know. One of our attorneys will contact you directly to discuss the various options with you:

Start the process online today

Important Notes

*All TrademarkWatch Service pacakages are priced and predicated on a one-year term commitment under contract. Service is billed on a monthly or quarterly basis depeding on the chosen package.

**All services include a written report, analysis and recommended course of action, but do not include additional legal services related to search results, such as Cease & Desist letters, licensing agreements and other related trademark services.

While this is a very powerful search, no attorney is permitted nor capable of making any guarantees with respect to the comprehensiveness of trademark searches.